Susan’s Story
In 2004 I made my first short-term visit to Guatemala, it was a difficult trip because I had a headache the entire week. I thought this is not the country for me, my head hurts all the time here. But, the next year I returned and had a great trip and I returned year after year for a total of 16 short term missions and quite a few more trips just for vacation and rest.
In about 2008 I began to feel God speaking to me about Guatemala, I sensed that He was telling me that sometime in the future He wanted me to move to Guatemala. I didn’t know when and I especially didn’t know what I would do if I did move to Guatemala. I kept thinking that my training was in corporate technology and the ministry that I was familiar with certainly didn’t need my skills.
Then in 2012 some friends asked me to join them in teaching at a one day women’s conference in Guatemala. After trying very hard to say no I committed to join them. It was at this conference that God spoke to me and gave me the beginning of a vision to start a ministry of teaching women in small churches in Guatemala.
In 2013 I moved to Guatemala and started working alongside Medical Missions Ministries and thru the medical clinics held in small churches I was able to meet the pastors and the ladies of the church. In 2014 I took the next step and began teaching in some of the churches where the pastors had invited me to come and teach the women. I continued to serve alongside Medical Missions Ministries until May of 2018 when I decided I needed to dedicate all of my time to teaching women. Once I stopped going out with Medical Missions Ministries I finally had the time I needed to prepare to teach and reach more churches.
This year 2019, I’m teaching in seven churches and I’m excited about helping the ladies understand how important they are in God’s plan and the power they have to change their families and communities.
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