Nutri-Action is our latest project, and we’re very excited about it!
I say we’re because on this project we are a team of six women with a heart to help kids get a great start on life! Guatemala has one of the highest rates of malnutrition for young children in the world, this project targets pregnant moms and and children 6 months to 3 years old. We’re using a product made in Guatemala with nutrients specifically to fill the gaps in the Guatemalan diet, that product is NutriListo and their website is listo.gt. This product is affordable and available. One of our team members is a doctor who has developed the measurements we need to have to evaluate the effectiveness of the project. For each child we have height, weight, and head circumference as the minimum measures, other observations of the doctor are noted alongside the measurements of each child. The effectiveness of this project depends a great deal on the caregiver, whether it is mom, dad, grandmother, or whoever takes care of the child daily since it’s important that the child or pregnant mom receives a packet of NutriListo every day.
We started this program at the end of August 2020 in eight churches. We visited each church and measured each child, and most importantly Dra. Lucky spent time explaining the program and its benefits to each mom or caretaker. As they passed thru each station we all made sure that they understood the importance of giving the NutriListo daily.
We’re looking forward to visiting each church monthly to deliver the NutriListo for the month and check on the progress of the kids in the program.
One important note: This program is run thru Tios for Hope, a non-profit already working in Guatemala. Thru Tios we will ensure that all giving goes directly to the Nutri-Action program.